Hangover Remedies

Performing Magic & Martini has caused as light shift in the questions I get from members of the audience. The classic (and groanworthy) "Can you make my wife disappear?" has been replaced with "Could you make my hangover disappear." 

In fact, I'm less qualified to address the latter question than the former. (After all, making people disappear for a while is easy, depending on what their favourite vacation destinations are and what the limit on your credit card is.) By most people's standards, I barely drink and have only managed to successfully get drunk once in my mid twenties, and only with the assistance of a relatively well-known Canadian magician several years my senior. 

But, today is the anniversary of the repeal of prohibition (in the US) and the eccentric periodical Lapham's Quarterly has offered this collection of eccentric hangover remedies. 

If you're looking for an excuse to need one of these remedies, tickets are on sale for our first round of Magic & Martini shows in 2017, now at various venues in four cities: Click for tickets to shows in Toronto, Oakville, Erin-Hillsburgh and Cobourg. Readers of this blog can use the code stirred for a discount on the price of tickets purchased online.