derek muller

A Person Sized Optical Illusion

Happy New Year!

It was certainly a strange holiday season but hopefully everyone found some safe enjoyment and an opportunity to connect with loved ones, even if that might not have been in person.

Here’s a little bit of magical “eye candy” in the form of a person-sized optical illusion from Derek Muller and Veritasium:

Optical illusions present some of the most magical experiences. That’s because the magic remains even after they’ve been explained. That whole thing about magicians swearing never to reveal the secrets? That’s usually because most magic secrets trigger a response of “Wait?!? That’s it?” which generally leads to disappointment and also pretty much guarantees that you’re never able to enjoy the same trick in the same way. (Unless, of course, you learn to do it yourself, then you derive enjoyment from giving that sense of wonder to others, even if you can’t experience the “magic” yourself.)