hard rock cafe

Magic at momondays

Monday night, I had the opportunity to perform at the Toronto momondays. This monthly gathering at the Hard Rock Cafe in Toronto features speakers on a wide range of topics. I just got to do magic. Definitely one of the warmest audiences I've gotten to perform for in recent memory - especially considering it was a packed room and it was a long event. The next event is on Monday, January 26, 2015.

James Alan Mo Mondays
James Alan Mo Mondays

photos by Grantley Gibbons

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqOexLoWoJw?rel=0&w=853&h=480]


James Alan Mo Mondays
James Alan Mo Mondays

Next Monday, December 15, I'll be appearing at momondays where a group of people put story-telling into a blender. Add a dash of personal growth & transformation, and drop in a load of laughs. Mix in real, live music, and great conversation with some of the nicest people on the planet, then push the ‘high’ setting… and out comes momondays! It's like a variety show bouncing off the walls of personal story-telling! I'll be performing and encouraging people to look at the world in strange and unusual ways.

We're at the Hard Rock Cafe at Dundas Square. Advance tickets are $10.00 online (or $20 at the door). Buy Tickets Online

Also appearing are Ahmed Duranai, Anya Romanova, Carmelia Ray, Brian Campkin and Richard Zinck.

MoMondaysWebsite | Facebook | Twitter