irina popova

A Magic Bash

It's just been announced, I'll be appearing on stage at the annual one day magic convention hosted in Toronto by the Browser's Den of Magic - The Browser Bash. This is the fourth year they're holding this special gathering for magicians and magic enthusiasts. Every year it seems to get bigger and more extravagant. 


I've been asked if I would do one of my favourite pieces; something which began as the close of my first theatre show, Lies, Damn Lies & Magic Tricks:

Photo by Irina Popova

Photo by Irina Popova

Of course, as you would expect for an event organized by magicians,  they're being intentionally mysterious about who else is performing, but more names will be added as we get closer to April.

Lessons Learned the Hard Way

On Thursday, February 21, I will be giving a lecture for the Joan Caesar Hat & Wand Club in Kitchener. I'm very excited for the lecture since it contains several things I have never shared except with close friends. Tickets are available at the door if you are interested in attending. However, I was a bit shocked when I saw the photo they used in promoting the lecture. Apparently this was modified by the secretary using an iPhone app.... Henceforth, I will have a new stipulation in my rider that promotional photos may not be altered... sigh.


Photo by Irina Popova, sparkles by Daryl Hutton