max malini

Last week on Magic Tonight

What a creepy evening on Magic Tonight! Nick Wallace is, as I have maintained for years, the devil. In addition to an extremely creepy doll which seemed to form strange invisible connections with nearby individuals, he was turning people into human puppets and swallowing sharp objects. Odd how when you say it like that it doesn't sound anywhere near as fun as it is in person. Go figure. Take a look at some of what we got up to. Magic Tonight continues through the summer on Sunday nights at the Crimson Lounge in Toronto. Readers of this blog can use the code reality for a discount on the price of tickets and dinner when purchasing online.

Glimpse into Magic Tonight

This week we're off doing a super secret something or other so there will be no show at the Franklin House. So if you have a few minutes to spend, enjoy a highlight from one of our previous shows. The main feature is a sequence with an egg based primarily on the work of Max Malini, which was later expanded on by two American magicians; Charlie Miller and Johnny Thompson. The second piece is a bit of a surprise based on the work of Spanish master magician Juan Tamariz. It's something I've never done on film before. So enjoy a little piece of Magic Tonight. Tickets for our upcoming performances are available online. Readers of this blog can use the code reality for a discount on the price of tickets and dinner.

Last Week on Magic Tonight

I had a blast performing this weekend. Less of a blast sitting on the 401 trying to get to our Mississauga and Pickering shows, but the audience made up for it. If you haven't been to see the show, take a peek at what you missed. Thanks to the Barefoot Prophet Paul Pacific, the magician with Happy Feet* Ben Train and Mysterion the Mindreader.

This was also our last show at The Bear in Pickering for the season. Look for more dates there in the fall. Until then, tickets are still available for our shows in Toronto and Mississauga. Readers of this blog can use the code reality for a discount on the price of tickets and dinner when purchasing online.

*A label which only makes sense if you were at the show.