the great mustachio

On the next Abracadabaret (Part 2)

This Saturday, I'll be at The Winchester in Cabbagetown performing at the monthly Abracadabaret. I mentioned Keith Brown would be joining us but we also have a rather unique guest. I'm slightly hesitant to call him our most unique act ever... but only slightly. Making his debut at Abracadabaret on August 25 is The Great Mustachio!


Mustachio (no relation to Joe Culpepper), originally from the United States, was stolen by Italian bandits during a family vacation to Southern Italy. He grew up tough and fast in the alleys of Naples where he learned to make a living performing street magic in his teens. He now performs sleight-of-hand in casinos, cabarets and class joints all over the world.


Or so says his publicist.

Join us for an amazing night of great magic (and possibly a small amount of silliness) and great food.

Sunday, August 25 - 7:00 PM The Wincheseter Tickets  |  Directions  |  Information