Magic Tonight Update

While this weekend's show is already sold out and this post potentially serves no purpose except to aggravate those people who don't have tickets, we're pleased to announce an additional special guest, Jason Verners. Jason is visiting from British Columbia and asked if he could be on the show. And as anyone who knows me, I have a great deal of difficulty saying no to anyone wearing a crushed velvet jacket. The reason he's in town is because every year in a slightly secret location not too far from Toronto, young magicians gather at Sorcerer's Safari, where they are able to stay isolated from society where it is less likely an unsuspecting bystander will become lost and wander to close and be asked to select a playing card.

Magic Tonight continues into the fall at the Crimson Lounge in Toronto. Readers of this blog can use the code reality for a discount on the price of tickets and dinner when purchasing online.

August 23 Jason Verners Sold Out
August 23 Jason Verners Sold Out

A slightly younger Jason on the show last year: